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Into The Wilderness with Byron Pace

Jun 29, 2017

A few months back Byron attended a hunting symposium at the opening of the CIC generally assembly. This week we bring you selected speeches from this event, as well the latest highlights from our previous guest, Diggory Hadoke battling with Peirs Morgan again. 
Its wide ranging with high level experts from around...

Jun 15, 2017

We are back for a panel debate recorded live at the Northern shooting show, but with a whole host of new topics and guests. We talk on an array of topics including our connection with food in the modern world, the affordability of hunting, collaborative working between organisations and how it can be better, why...

Jun 1, 2017

Discussing the ethics of food production, we have Louise Gray on the podcast this week. Author of The Ethical Carnivore and a newspaper columnist, she embarked upon her own journey of discovery, delving into the source our meat consumption, vowing to only eat meat she had killed or sourced herself. It makes...