Oct 18, 2018
Delving under the surface this week, we welcome Mark Bilsby, CEO of the Atlantic Salmon Trust, and Will Peake, a ghillie on the river Dee on onto the show. Most of our conversations centre around Atlantic Salmon and the issues surrounding the marked decline in populations in the last hundred years. From the historical...
Oct 11, 2018
Worldwide we see government decisions impacting on wildlife and habitat management in negative way, often driven by personal agendas and moral exceptions. We saw this with Tahr in New Zealand, and British Columbia with Grizzly Bears, both topics we have covered in in previous shows. Now we see it in Wales, with...
Oct 4, 2018
On this weeks show we chat about Darryls week long adventure in Norway following the opening of the moose hunt. We explore how community hunting works as well as what clothing is required for a trip like this. We also announce the winner of the CZ door mat as well as telling you what exciting guests we have coming on in...