Apr 2, 2020
Renowned British explorer, Levison Wood comes back on the show to talk about his new book, The Last Giants, chronicling the evolution and history of elephants, examining the challenges they face today through poaching, terrorism and land-use changes in Africa. We also find time to talk about how he is using his...
Sep 25, 2018
Our most time sensitive episode yet, you need to listen to this. We interview Greg Duley, editor of NZ Hunter Magazine, and a man who has been at the forefront of the fight to halt the mass cull of Tahr by the NZ government. Given only 12 days’ notice for what is a mass eradication, the New Zealand people have...
Dec 1, 2016
On this week’s show we speak to Andrew Mavin Scottish Wildlife Crime coordinator , we go into to less well known wildlife crimes such as tampering with bats and damaging fresh water pearl mussels to the more common such as salmon poaching hare coursing and raptor persecution. We go into the advanced techniques the...