Aug 28, 2023
Earlier in the year, I travelled into the hills, following lines of smoke drifting down the glens. It’s muirburn season, where gamekeepers like Will Curr burn old heather to encourage new growth. But this practice is controversial, and to try and get to the bottom of why, I wanted to see it for myself.
To understand...
Aug 21, 2023
Our carbon-rich peatlands are now exposed to a changing climate and the impacts of human intervention. Many want to see more trees in the uplands, but why aren’t there already?
In episode 2 of the British Uplands podcast, we explore the history of the uplands, both culturally and ecologically. Who lives and works here...
Aug 11, 2023
A landscape thousands of years in the making, facing an uncertain future.
Britain’s uplands and the peat beneath it form one of the most unique, valuable and vulnerable ecosystems in the world.
Between ambitious tree planting targets, wind farm construction and efforts to restore damaged peatland, the British...
Aug 8, 2023
In this episode I am diving back to the series 'From the Field' which started in episode 200. So much of the full interviews undertaken during that time never got aired as we paired it down to three highly produced shows, but we recorded hours of conversation. So we are dipping into achieve to bring you these un-edited...